Ansh's World

Try Hard To Get What You Love....Or....Else....You Have To Love What You Get!...:)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fight Against Global Warming....!!!

We are recently started hearing this word called “Global Warming” very often now, do exactly anyone know about it, or rather really cared to know about it. I think most of us really didn’t cared and just thought of it as another hot topic in news. But look around you and you’ll find the answers why this has become so hot that it’s now affecting ours lives too. Just check the weather, normally every season comes and goes as per its schedule, but this schedule is getting disturbed, which causing haywire things like flood, high prices of eatable and necessary items, due to unwanted rains where not required and no rains where required, droughts, etc.

Global warming means an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere (especially a sustained increase that causes climatic changes), and how this change is increase more and more, its mainly due to us, who are just living and enjoying life, without thinking about our Mother Nature. If still we don't get into action then the day is not far away when every living being will get disappear from this beautiful planet. This is our planet and we have to take the responsibility to save our planet and us too. If someone expects that government should do things, well governments are doing things in all over the World and in India too. In India, government is promoting reusable items, stopping plastic bags, planting trees, etc. But that’s not enough, we as a citizen should also contribute in this fight and how we can do, is just doing few simple things or can just changing few things in our daily lifestyle.

Please find below few things which can help in improving our surroundings and fight against global warming:
- Avoid shopping things you do not need
- Make use of car pools. Use public transport more often
- Prevent water wastage
- Lower use of air conditioners
- Follow the three R's. Recycle, Reuse and Refuse
- Buy eco-friendly things
- Save electricity
- Plant a tree
- Avoid wasting stationery
- Avoid littering. Use dust-bins
- Separate garbage – liquid or moist for making urea(khaad) & dry to recycle
- Say no to using and exchanging polythene bags
- Be a part of an anti global warming drive

Anything that affects nature will inevitably affect us. The better we treat Mother Nature the happier we will be. You do not need to be a part of a big group to save the environment. Every individual can make a difference in small but important ways. You can play a vital role in the chain of events right from home, school or work. Begin your natural combat today!

If we can do small things, which can contribute big to our Mother Nature to fight against Global Warming....

Lets do it guys....!!! :)



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